You are Doing it Again

You are stuck in your head again.

I know how you feel.

You ask yourself;

  • What if I fail?

  • How will I do it?

  • Am I worthy of this?

  • What will people think of me?

Let me tell you something.

EVERYBODY who's successful today had those questions pop up in his head.

And you know what?

It's a test.

It's a test from God to see if you really want it badly enough!

So tell me. Do you want it badly enough?

I bet you do. I can hear you screaming, YES.

So why THE FUCK would you care about some negative thoughts if you can feel your future already?

Why would you let some thoughts (that might not be even yours) decide how you should live and “who you are.

There is a famous quote that goes;

The thoughts you have are reflected in the world you see.”

Let that sink in.

You may ask yourself now, “does this mean I can change my life just by changing my thoughts”?


You are the creator of your own little world.

Never let someone else talk you out of your dreams or make you believe you can't achieve them.

Listen, it won't happen overnight.

But would it be worth chasing if that wasn't the case?

The next time you find yourself stuck 

Do this:

Imagine yourself at the top of the Universe.

Visualize all the galaxies, dimensions and other planets.

Can you see how small everything is?

Now ask yourself will it matter to all of that you see whether you will pursue your dream or not?

You guessed right. It won’t matter.

But to you, it will. And that's what's important.

If you think the pain of taking action is hard, then wait until you feel the pain of regret..


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