What Should I Do?

What should I do? 

That what the question a patient asked me lately who just pissed in his pants for the very first time.. 

He felt embarrassed and didn't know how to react to what just happened.. 

I was standing beside his bed, looking at him while he was clueless about what to do next.. 

As a nurse, you learn a lot of human psychology because you are constantly working with different people. 

90% of the time I have at least an answer that will reduce their stress, embarrassment, anxiety etc. 

This time it was different..

I had no clue what to tell him. No answer. Nothing

Humans like to have answers to everything because it gives you relief and lets you live a little less stressed. 

Religions are a good example. 

Who can REALLY tell you what happens after death

Exactly. Nobody 

The same will happen on your business journey as well.. 

There will be some days when you won't have any answer to your current state of feelings. 


Emotions/feelings come and go. There's nothing you can do about it. 

Accept them. 

You don't have to know everything. And you certainly don't need an answer on anything. 

Move on with what you know and strive to improve on those things. 

Oh! And always stay open to new experiences

Otherwise, life will get boring very fast + your brain gets rusty. 

And rusty brains are a no-go for business owners. 


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