The Lies about Followers

In the last post I wanted to hear about the problems you have currently on X and I got a couple of responds which I want to thank you for first. 

The one that stood out to me is “How do I get more followers” 

Let's pause for a second here 

The reason you started on X in the first place was not because of followers but because you wanted to make more money, right? 

So that's the first trap people fall into new to X. 

They think that to make money, they will need at least 1k or 10k followers. 

Here's the harsh truth, though you don't. 

There are accounts who have less than 1k followers, making more money than some big ones. (I would even argue that they make more than most of the big accs)

See, when I started on X I thought the same way, that's why I created countless posts that would hopefully get me good engagement and followers even though I started my account to make more money. 

But why is that? 

Because it's easier to achieve that goal. 

You are probably pretty new to the game, just like I was 2 years ago, so it's easier to get some likes, reposts or get more followers than making money. 

Making money requires much more, especially when you never made it before in such a way. You have to learn sales, human psychology, creating offers/products etc. 

Deep down you know all that, but it's a lot, so you start to avoid it by creating all these posts that will hopefully go viral so you feel some sort of “success.” 

The harsh truth though is that you are not making any progress even if the thread would go viral or got you that great engagement you hoped for. 


Because you don't have anything to offer and post content that attracts everyone. 

You don't want that when you want to make some good money. 

What you want instead is: 

  • Know how you wanna work with

  • Have a solution ready for them 

  • Show people you can help them through your content (Attract them) 

So the next time you think “how do I get more followers” ask yourself: 

What do I need to do so that I can help people save time, remove pain, or make them money? 

Then work on acquiring the skills needed so you can start attracting these people and not just some random followers, and cut out those who wouldn't buy anyway from you. 

For those who wanna create that strategy that will achieve exactly that (Making money and not just getting some followers)

Respond to this E-mail here: [email protected] with “Call” so we can figure out the best time to create a plan for you X business.

(This is a paid service)


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