The Magic of Upsells

You are selling products but looking for more $? 

Implement upsells 

I was recently at my favorite sauna here in town 

It costs me €42,50 to be there the whole day. 

(It's worth every penny. You should try it) 

Anyway, this time I realized something I never saw before..

As I was looking at the screen to see when the next sauna session would start

I saw another screen below 

It said, “book a massage for €48 now” 

Not gonna lie, I was ready.. 

The room was just a few steps away but 

I refused because I came a little late this time and wanted to use the time I had left for a couple sauna sessions..

(I will definitely buy it the next time)

3 lessons you can learn from this

1} Add more Value to the existing Product

Once someone bought something for you, he is in “buying mode” which means getting another yes from him will be easier.

Sold a workout plan?

Add a personalized diet plan as an upsell.

You get the idea.

Next lesson is

2} Price the Upsell correctly

Let's assume someone bought a product from you that costs $500.

The upsell should be around 20% more or less than the product itself.

I found more success in pricing the upsell lower because it makes people go “F*ck if I already spent that much money, what's the difference if I add this as well”

And lastly

3} Make it Visible

If they don't know, they won't buy.

Make it obvious that there is an option to get an even BETTER DEAL.

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if you are ready to take your account to the next step 

My 1:1 coaching program will open soon but 

I'm only searching for people who are taking this game serious 

Are you one of them? 

If not, don't waste our time here because it's not free. 


or to participate.