The BIGGEST Lie You are told to believe

9 months ago, I started my 1st account on X.


Its Mid-November. 12 o clock midnight.

I'm scrolling through X and looking for the latest news on Crypto/NFT, not even thinking about all the possibilities X has for me.

As I'm scrolling I stumble on an account that got a couple 100 RTs with 2000+ likes on his post.

I get curious and ask myself, is it possible to make money as a creator on X by posting content you enjoy?

So I start to look for answers. I was SHOCKED.

  • Coaches

  • Copywriter

  • Ghostwriter

  • Fitness Coaches

who make 5k, 10k or even more per month.

A strange feeling overcomes me. I'm realizing that I have been lied to all my life.

“Got to school, find a job, the government wants the best for you”

Was what I got told.

I started to see that it was all A BIG FUCKING LIE.

They don't want us to;

  • Think

  • Live a free life

  • Pursue our dreams and desires

  • Have more money than we need

They want to keep us small and trick us into believing that every big dream in life is too risky or not achievable, and that we should trust the government because they have our back.

Fuck them.

You probably think the same way as I did, or are experiencing that same feeling of betray right now.

Let me tell you 1 thing.

You are capable of things that you don't even know you can achieve right now.

Go for it. Act. Crush your current belief system and follow the path of uncertainty.

Playing it safe will not bring you far in life. In fact, life is always risky. The moment you wake up and get out of bed, it becomes risky.

So you might as well start to embrace risk.

Fuck those who tell you dream too big. Go for it. You are the chosen one in your family.

You've been lied to, just like me.

Used that anger as fuel not as an excuse for your current situation.

See you soon, Creator.



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